be out in the cold

被冷遇, 受冷落
- Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.
在目前的世界贸易洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。 - The needs of the market determine the product development potential and prospects, the national music market constraints led to a general lack of concern about ethnic music, be left out in the cold.
市场的需求决定产品的发展潜力和前景,民族音乐的市场局限导致对民族音乐普遍缺乏关注,受到冷落。 - It can be said: A friend is the practical and important type of umbrella, when not in use, can not put it out in the cold.
由此可以说:朋友是把实用和重要型的伞,在不用的时候,不能把它冷落。 - If foreign enterprises still lack the conditions to apply these methods, they should not rush blindly to enter the New York market, lest they be left out in the cold.
如果外国企业尚无条件采取这种方式,不要盲目急于到纽约上市,否则难免受到冷落。 - It is good to be out in the bracing cold, which cleans the mind and invigorates the heart.
置身室外的严寒中令人怡然,那严寒让人头脑清醒,心情振奋。 - You can't lock your partner up and if you keep restricting their freedom you may be left out in the cold.
不能锁住你的朋友,如果限制了他们的自由也就等于把自己置之门外。 - Slowly accustomed to a person's mouth, become silent calm be left out in the cold.